Jared Hinton M.A, M.A.T, LCMHC is a psychotherapist in private practice in Asheville, NC. Jared is a husband, father, and a person in long-term recove...
Tuesday, September 25, 2018Sound and Attunement Healing in Relationships
Corey joins me today to share how he is using sound and vibration as a tool to heal and transform the lives of those around him. He explains how sound...
Tuesday, September 25, 2018The Power of Appreciation
On today’s episode, I explain how sharing your appreciation for those around you - as well as being open to receiving it - can impact the way we conne...
Tuesday, September 25, 2018Alternative Relationships
Lee joins me today to discuss the dynamics of monogamous and alternative relationships, why she believes many first-marriages often result in divorce ...
Sunday, September 23, 2018Introducing Myself: What is Connection
On today’s episode, I share who I am, my background, and why I decided to launch the Relationships! Let’s Talk About It podcast. I share what you can ...
Hosted by a psychotherapist specializing in relationships issues. A podcast that is a variation of guest conversations as well as personal solocasts helping people forge the awareness and skills to better their relationships and thrive!