Show Notes
Jared Hinton M.A, M.A.T, LCMHC is a psychotherapist in private practice in Asheville, NC. Jared is a husband, father, and a person in long-term recovery. His work focuses on helping individuals and couples heal from patterns of ancestral, familial, and relational trauma. Jared is a graduate of Naropa University's Contemplative and Buddhist Psychology program and a student of the Appalachian Gestalt Institute in Asheville.
In this episode, Jared and I have a conversation about the challenges men face in having healthy relationships. We talk about how men can save relationships by learning vulnerability and that vulnerability is a great strength. We point out that many men experience intense emotions but, lack the training and support to make sense of those feelings. Men deserve to be seen, and their emotions validated, without their masculinity being called into question.
Connect with Jared Hinton:
Let’s Talk About It!
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Theme music “These Streets” provided by Adi the Monk
Sound Production by Matt Carlson
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