Show Notes
In this episode, I have a conversation with Misa Terral. Misa Terral is founder of Soulpower Dance, offering transformational classes for embodiment, joy, and self-healing. Her training as a licensed Occupational Therapist specializing in sensory integration, a certified Death Doula, and in nature-based spirituality cultivated her unique style of teaching and empowering others. She facilitates programming for the nonprofit Dance to Be Free, taking the healing power of dance to prisons. You can find her soon on
Dance and Movement are wonderful ways for us to embody our authenticity and express ourselves. It can boost confidence in ourselves which will in turn affect our relationships in a positive way. Misa shares her journey on how dance and movement helped heal an eating disorder as well as describing how this expression allows for “mistakes” and not being perfect, but instead find our true expression.
“Dance can be a good outlet for you or a tool that you can use to explore your emotions.”
- Misa Terral
Connect with Misa Terral:
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Let’s Talk About It!
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Theme music “These Streets” provided by Adi the Monk
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